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90 Capsules


Herbal ingredients of Coral Artichoke supplement rejuvenate the liver and bile ducts, detoxify, and improve the functioning of the digestive tract and overall wellness. This supplement improves the condition of the liver; fights chronic intoxications, and normalizes metabolism.



Artichoke contains many active ingredients like quercetin, rutin, gallic acid, and cynarine that nourish the digestive tract and help to restore proper gut health. Providing with various nutrients such as protein, vitamins and minerals, it helps to normalize the metabolism.



Betaine is a compound that is biologically involved in detoxification process in the body. It helps normalize the lipid metabolism in liver, the level of triglycerides in blood, may improve the function of digestive system.


Milk Thistle

Stimulates the formation of bile, the secretion and motor functions of the digestive tract. Milk thistle seeds contain phytochemical Silymarin that may protect liver cells from harmful effects of medication and alcohol.


Dandelion Root

It contains bitter substances that whets the appetite. Dandelion aids our digestive system by maintaining the proper flow of bile.

Coral Artichoke (90 Capsules)

  • One capsule twice a day with a meal.

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